
9 11, 2020

7 Exercises for Maintaining Hand and Wrist Mobility  

2020-10-29T13:52:12-05:00November 9th, 2020|Other|Comments Off on 7 Exercises for Maintaining Hand and Wrist Mobility  

Touch is arguably the most essential sense that we have. Whether it is to play sports, hug someone, or communicate a message. Your hand and wrist mobility are the key to getting things done. As we age, it is natural to start losing strength and flexibility in your hands and fingers. If your hands [...]

16 10, 2020

Patient Education Series: Instrument-Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization

2021-08-17T17:49:14-05:00October 16th, 2020|Joint Pain, Other|Comments Off on Patient Education Series: Instrument-Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization

Cary Orthopaedics physical therapist Chad Moses, PT, Cert. DN/SMT, GTS, CKTP, Dip. Osteopractic, produces our Patient Education Series to inform patients about various physical therapy techniques. In this episode, he discusses instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization. What is instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization? This video focuses on the most widely-used modality across all our clinics and [...]

15 07, 2020

Physical Therapy Isn’t Just for Those Recovering from Surgery

2021-07-28T18:02:51-05:00July 15th, 2020|Other|Comments Off on Physical Therapy Isn’t Just for Those Recovering from Surgery

Physical therapists have excellent knowledge of how the body moves. They can help in any phase of the healing process either as a one-time treatment or ongoing therapy. While many people will visit a physical therapist after surgery, you can utilize physical therapy for a wide range of benefits. Here, the expert physical therapists at [...]

5 02, 2020

How to Prepare for your Orthopaedic Appointment

2020-12-08T22:49:46-05:00February 5th, 2020|Other|Comments Off on How to Prepare for your Orthopaedic Appointment

In addition to the preparation we recommend below for appointments under “normal” circumstances, Cary Ortho is implementing several procedures to ensure patient safety in the current COVID-19 environment. We are asking all patients to come 5 to 10 minutes ahead of their appointment to have a quick temperature check. Please call to reschedule your appointment [...]

10 01, 2020

Are Cortisone Shots Right for Me?

2020-10-01T04:07:38-05:00January 10th, 2020|Other|Comments Off on Are Cortisone Shots Right for Me?

You may have heard about professional athletes receiving cortisone shots, but you may not know exactly what the benefits are. In the past 60 years since cortisone shots were introduced, they have helped a limitless number of patients find relief from pain and inflammation, especially in their joints. While these shots are popular among the [...]

18 12, 2019

Patient Education Series: Blood Flow Restriction

2020-11-03T22:38:48-05:00December 18th, 2019|Other|Comments Off on Patient Education Series: Blood Flow Restriction

Cary Orthopaedic’s physical therapists, Chad Moses, PT, Cert. DN/SMT, GTS, CKTP, Dip. Osteopractic and Kevin Raymond, DPT, Cert. DN, BTS, have produced our Patient Education Series to inform patients about various physical therapy techniques. In this episode, learn about blood flow restriction. What is blood flow restriction? Blood flow restriction [...]

26 09, 2019

Patient Education Series: Kinesio Taping

2020-11-19T19:55:04-05:00September 26th, 2019|Other|Comments Off on Patient Education Series: Kinesio Taping

Cary Orthopaedic’s physical therapist, Chad Moses PT, Cert. DN/SMT, CKTP, GTS, Dip. Osteopractic, produces our Patient Education Series to inform patients about various physical therapy techniques. In this episode, learn about how kinesio tape is used in physical therapy. Below is an excerpt from the video demonstrating kinesio taping. Click here to watch the [...]

8 08, 2019

Patient Education Series: Dry Needling

2020-11-13T18:04:57-05:00August 8th, 2019|Bone Health, Joint Pain, Lifestyle, Other|Comments Off on Patient Education Series: Dry Needling

Cary Orthopaedic’s physical therapist, Chad Moses DN/SMT, GTS, CKTP, has produced our Patient Education Series to inform patients about various physical therapy techniques. In this episode, learn about dry needling. Below is an excerpt from the video demonstrating the process. Click here to watch the entire video.  Watch Entire Video [...]

7 03, 2019

7 Beverages to Ease Arthritis Pain

2020-10-01T03:12:11-05:00March 7th, 2019|Joint Pain, Lifestyle, Other|Comments Off on 7 Beverages to Ease Arthritis Pain

Remember the saying “You are what you eat”? Well, turns out you are what you drink, too! When we think of nutrition, we often think only of solid foods. But what you drink is a large part of what we put into our bodies and should be considered as part of our overall nutrition. Making [...]

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