Joint Pain

7 01, 2021

Life After Joint Replacement

2024-02-19T12:19:08-05:00January 7th, 2021|Joint Pain|Comments Off on Life After Joint Replacement

While joint replacement surgeries have become commonplace in today’s orthopaedic spectrum of care, the idea of having a painful joint removed and replaced with a synthetic joint can seem frightening. This article talks about the joint replacement recovery process to help patients feel more relaxed and prepared. History and prevalence of joint replacement surgery [...]

16 10, 2020

Patient Education Series: Instrument-Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization

2021-08-17T17:49:14-05:00October 16th, 2020|Joint Pain, Other|Comments Off on Patient Education Series: Instrument-Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization

Cary Orthopaedics physical therapist Chad Moses, PT, Cert. DN/SMT, GTS, CKTP, Dip. Osteopractic, produces our Patient Education Series to inform patients about various physical therapy techniques. In this episode, he discusses instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization. What is instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization? This video focuses on the most widely-used modality across all our clinics and [...]

29 09, 2020

Physical Therapy as a Conservative Treatment

2020-12-02T21:20:48-05:00September 29th, 2020|Joint Pain|Comments Off on Physical Therapy as a Conservative Treatment

As we age, our bodies tend to slow down, injuries set in and the strength we once enjoyed gives way to joint pain and general weakness. There emerges an unsettling realization that affects nearly everyone at some point — developing stability issues profoundly affecting your independence, routines and lifestyle. Surgery can seem to be [...]

9 09, 2020

The Importance of Taking Care of Your Feet

2022-08-26T00:24:07-05:00September 9th, 2020|Joint Pain, Lifestyle, Sports Medicine|Comments Off on The Importance of Taking Care of Your Feet

We are careful to take care of most parts of our bodies, from the essential care of our hearts, muscles and joints to the more superficial hair and nail care. However, many people tend to neglect their feet. This issue can become severe when problems with your feet significantly impact your quality of life, and [...]

3 08, 2020

Everything You Need to Know About Achilles Tendinitis

2024-07-30T10:12:42-05:00August 3rd, 2020|Bone Health, Joint Pain, Sports Medicine|Comments Off on Everything You Need to Know About Achilles Tendinitis

Achilles tendinitis is a condition that affects the Achilles tendon that connects the muscles in the back of your calf to your heel bone. Those who are physically active and between the ages of 30-50 are the most likely to develop this issue. While complications can arise if not treated quickly, it is very treatable, [...]

22 07, 2020

You Are Not Your Scan

2020-11-19T17:15:28-05:00July 22nd, 2020|Joint Pain, Lifestyle|Comments Off on You Are Not Your Scan

Cary Orthopaedics physical therapist, Chad Moses, PT, Cert. DN/SMT, GTS, CKTP, Dip. Osteopractic, explains how the amount of pain you have does not always correlate to the amount of damage you may see on an MRI. MRIs, CTs, ultrasounds and X-rays are medical assessment tools that orthopaedists, physical therapists and other health practitioners use to [...]

13 07, 2020

Patient Education Series: Custom Orthotics

2020-07-14T13:51:01-05:00July 13th, 2020|Joint Pain, Lifestyle, Sports Medicine|Comments Off on Patient Education Series: Custom Orthotics

Cary Orthopaedics physical therapist, Chad Moses, PT, Cert. DN/SMT, GTS, CKTP, Dip. Osteopractic, has produced our Patient Education Series to inform patients about various physical therapy techniques. In this episode, physical therapist, Kristen Reinhard, PT, DPT, discusses custom foot orthotics. What are orthotics? Orthotics are inserts that go in your [...]

8 07, 2020

10 Best At-Home Exercises for Arthritis

2020-08-12T20:08:31-05:00July 8th, 2020|Joint Pain, Lifestyle|Comments Off on 10 Best At-Home Exercises for Arthritis

Few medical conditions affect the general population as much as arthritis. In fact, according to statistics reported by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), up to one in four adults in the U.S. face this condition. That is over 54 million Americans.  With the coronavirus pandemic still causing many to stay away from the gym [...]

21 05, 2020

What Does a Hand Specialist Do?

2020-10-01T03:01:51-05:00May 21st, 2020|Joint Pain|Comments Off on What Does a Hand Specialist Do?

The hand is an intricately designed combination of joints, tendons and muscles that must all work together flawlessly for us to perform everyday activities. The 27 bones in the hand and eight bones in the wrist plus all of the muscles, tendons, ligaments, blood vessels and nerves, all of which combine to create one [...]

13 05, 2020

Reverse Total Shoulder Replacement Explained

2020-06-10T21:15:01-05:00May 13th, 2020|Bone Health, Joint Pain|Comments Off on Reverse Total Shoulder Replacement Explained

The Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons has reported that over four million people in the U.S. alone go to the doctor to seek care for shoulder problems and shoulder pain every year. One issue growing in numbers is rotator cuff tear arthropathy. This condition is identified by severe arthritis pain in the shoulder that is directly [...]

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