6 Myths About Joint Replacement
Joint replacement surgery involves replacing an arthritic or dysfunctional joint with a prosthetic joint. This procedure is designed to improve the quality of life and [...]
How to Prepare for your Orthopaedic Appointment
In addition to the preparation we recommend below for appointments under “normal” circumstances, Cary Ortho is implementing several procedures to ensure patient safety in the [...]
Reducing Joint Pain: 10 New Foods for the New Year
With the holiday season behind us, its time to make resolutions for the New Year. For many, living a healthier lifestyle is at the top [...]
Are Cortisone Shots Right for Me?
You may have heard about professional athletes receiving cortisone shots, but you may not know exactly what the benefits are. In the past 60 years [...]
Patient Education Series: Blood Flow Restriction
Cary Orthopaedic’s physical therapists, Chad Moses, PT, Cert. DN/SMT, GTS, CKTP, Dip. Osteopractic and Kevin Raymond, DPT, Cert. DN, BTS, have produced our Patient [...]
How to Train for a Mid-Distance Race Safely
Running a mid-distance race like 10Ks or half-marathons have always been popular, but participation in these races has been steadily increasing every year. In fact, [...]