Everything You Need to Know About Achilles Tendinitis
Achilles tendinitis is a condition that affects the Achilles tendon that connects the muscles in the back of your calf to your heel bone. Those [...]
You Are Not Your Scan
Cary Orthopaedics physical therapist, Chad Moses, PT, Cert. DN/SMT, GTS, CKTP, Dip. Osteopractic, explains how the amount of pain you have does not always correlate [...]
Physical Therapy Isn’t Just for Those Recovering from Surgery
Physical therapists have excellent knowledge of how the body moves. They can help in any phase of the healing process either as a one-time treatment [...]
Patient Education Series: Custom Orthotics
Cary Orthopaedics physical therapist, Chad Moses, PT, Cert. DN/SMT, GTS, CKTP, Dip. Osteopractic, has produced our Patient Education Series to inform patients about various [...]
10 Best At-Home Exercises for Arthritis
Few medical conditions affect the general population as much as arthritis. In fact, according to statistics reported by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), up [...]
The Multiple Benefits of Stretching
When you think about physical fitness, you may think of strength and cardiovascular health first. Yet, there is another key component you need to take [...]