About lori782

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So far lori782 has created 22 blog entries.
7 03, 2024

Patient Education Series: Joint Mobilization

2024-03-07T11:50:22-05:00March 7th, 2024|Joint Pain, Physical Therapy, Sports Medicine|Comments Off on Patient Education Series: Joint Mobilization

The video below discusses joint mobilization techniques in physical therapy that provide therapeutic benefits. Listen to what Cary Orthopaedics' physical therapist Chad Moses has to say about joint range of motion. What is joint mobilization? Joint mobilization is a skilled manual therapy technique. The physical therapist moves the patient's joints [...]

21 02, 2024

7 Common Weekend Warrior Injuries

2024-02-21T13:20:35-05:00February 21st, 2024|Joint Pain, Lifestyle, Physical Therapy, Sports Medicine|Comments Off on 7 Common Weekend Warrior Injuries

"Weekend warriors" are adults who occasionally play sports or engage in strenuous physical activities, often on the weekends. They enjoy staying active and playing hard after sitting at work all week. Many weekend warriors are former athletes who love to compete but no longer practice daily like they did in their teens or twenties. The combination [...]

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