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So far admin has created 122 blog entries.
6 07, 2022

7 Myths About Back Pain

2023-01-03T16:58:35-05:00July 6th, 2022|Bone Health, Joint Pain, Spine Orthopaedics|Comments Off on 7 Myths About Back Pain

Many Americans experience back pain. In fact, back pain is one of the most common orthopaedic issues. Studies indicate that around 80 percent of adults report low back pain at some point in their lives. Usually lasting only a few days to a few weeks, most back problems are considered short-term or acute. The discomfort [...]

9 06, 2022

What is Work Conditioning?

2022-07-28T20:48:13-05:00June 9th, 2022|Physical Therapy|Comments Off on What is Work Conditioning?

Some people believe work conditioning programs are for injured workers who still have factors that limit a safe return to full-duty work after completing an acute physical therapy program. While work conditioning falls under physical therapy services, it is not wholly separate, nor is it an identical process to other physical therapy services. Work conditioning [...]

25 05, 2022

Everything You Need to Know About Anti-Inflammatory Injections

2022-06-27T16:55:21-05:00May 25th, 2022|Joint Pain|Comments Off on Everything You Need to Know About Anti-Inflammatory Injections

Anti-inflammatory injections, including cortisone or steroid injections, are used to help relieve pain and inflammation in a small area in the body, such as a specific joint or tendon. This type of injection offers quick relief for inflammation and is most commonly used in the wrist, spine, shoulder, knee, hip, elbow or ankle. Orthopaedic injections [...]

11 05, 2022

What’s the Difference Between a Fracture and Sprain?

2024-01-17T21:01:30-05:00May 11th, 2022|Bone Health, Sports Medicine|Comments Off on What’s the Difference Between a Fracture and Sprain?

Have you ever wondered what’s the difference between a fracture and a break? The simple answer is that fracture is the medical term for a broken bone. So, a fracture and a break are essentially the same things. However, there is a difference between a fracture and a sprain. In this blog, we will explain [...]

19 04, 2022

Why is Physical Therapy So Important for Post-Surgery Rehabilitation?

2022-04-25T20:35:11-05:00April 19th, 2022|Physical Therapy|Comments Off on Why is Physical Therapy So Important for Post-Surgery Rehabilitation?

There are over seven million orthopedic surgeries each year. That is an astounding amount of people helped through surgery. But, recovering from bone or joint surgery is not always a piece of cake. For that reason, physical therapy has been the tried and true method relied upon by medical professionals for years to achieve successful post-surgical [...]

6 04, 2022

What Is a Sports Medicine Doctor?

2022-03-09T20:27:07-05:00April 6th, 2022|Sports Medicine|Comments Off on What Is a Sports Medicine Doctor?

When you think of sports medicine, you might imagine a sports medicine doctor or physical therapist on the field helping your favorite football star as he's whisked away after a severe injury. Sports medicine is about more than just the action on the field, however. It's a comprehensive field of medicine that encompasses all aspects [...]

24 03, 2022

What to Do About a Pinched Nerve

2022-02-17T19:50:01-05:00March 24th, 2022|Spine Orthopaedics|Comments Off on What to Do About a Pinched Nerve

Is cervical radiculopathy getting on your nerves? It’s a pain unlike any other, radiating along the entire axon terminal of the nerve. Have you ever felt this? It’s likely, being that about 85 out of every 100,000 adults in the US are affected by a pinched nerve. Though people of any age can experience this, [...]

8 03, 2022

What is the Graston Technique?

2022-01-25T21:41:27-05:00March 8th, 2022|Physical Therapy|Comments Off on What is the Graston Technique?

A type of instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization used for injury recovery, the Graston Technique is most commonly applied by chiropractors, massage therapists, occupational therapists, osteopathic physicians and physical therapists. The technique was founded by an amateur water-skiing athlete who suffered a debilitating knee injury. Upset by the rehabilitation success rate after having surgery and conventional [...]

22 02, 2022

The Anatomy of the Foot

2022-02-22T16:34:09-05:00February 22nd, 2022|Bone Health, Lifestyle|Comments Off on The Anatomy of the Foot

The human foot needs numerous functions to work effectively and efficiently. The anatomy of the foot can be divided into three main sections that include the forefoot, midfoot and hindfoot. There are joints, muscles, tendons and ligaments throughout these sections. Cary Orthopaedics’ foot and ankle specialists focus not only on treating the symptoms of foot [...]

10 02, 2022

Radiofrequency Ablation and How it Can Help Back Pain

2023-06-01T15:53:51-05:00February 10th, 2022|Spine Orthopaedics|Comments Off on Radiofrequency Ablation and How it Can Help Back Pain

Back pain is a common, pressing issue throughout the world. One study found that around 65 million Americans report a recent episode of back pain. Some 8% of all adults (16 million people) experience persistent or chronic back pain and as a result, are limited in certain everyday activities. There are several treatments available to [...]

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