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So far admin has created 122 blog entries.
11 07, 2019

Recipes to Reduce Arthritis Symptoms

2020-11-03T22:34:13-05:00July 11th, 2019|Joint Pain|Comments Off on Recipes to Reduce Arthritis Symptoms

Arthritis pain is never pleasant. While the kitchen may not be the first place you think of to fight arthritis symptoms, an anti-inflammatory diet may help keep pain and swelling under control. Studies have found that certain foods and seasonings can lower the number of inflammatory compounds in the body, so why not considering adding [...]

18 06, 2019

Family Fun Ways to Stay Active This Summer

2020-12-08T22:44:11-05:00June 18th, 2019|Lifestyle|Comments Off on Family Fun Ways to Stay Active This Summer

While the benefits of maintaining an active lifestyle are too numerous to count, exercising outside during the summer can become challenging. As the heat turns up, overheating can become a problem even for the heat-loving. But with ample sunshine and longer days, there are more opportunities for the entire family to get outside and get [...]

21 05, 2019

The Power of Breath

2020-12-09T19:16:30-05:00May 21st, 2019|Lifestyle|Comments Off on The Power of Breath

We live in a society that is always hustling – always on the go. The result? Anxiety, depression, high stress, high blood pressure and a host of other disorders. Our solutions may include OTC/prescription medications, self-medicating with alcohol, self-harming behaviors or avoidance altogether. With healthcare costs continually rising, it’s important to utilize all the resources [...]

8 05, 2019

Direct Access to Physical Therapy

2020-11-19T16:03:55-05:00May 8th, 2019|Practice News, Sports Medicine|Comments Off on Direct Access to Physical Therapy

It is a common misconception that you need a referral or prescription to receive treatment from a physical therapist. In fact, a recent survey by the American Physical Therapy Association found that 70 percent of people think a referral is needed to start physical therapy. While this may still be true in some states, there [...]

1 05, 2019

Osteoporosis Awareness Month

2020-12-22T18:52:59-05:00May 1st, 2019|Bone Health, Spine Orthopaedics|Comments Off on Osteoporosis Awareness Month

May is National Osteoporosis Awareness Month, and we are celebrating bone health by sharing facts and information about this common disease and how to prevent it. This degenerative condition is characterized by low bone density. While loss of bone density naturally occurs as we age, osteoporosis goes beyond normal bone loss and can lead to [...]

19 04, 2019

How Physical Therapy Can Help You

2020-11-19T20:03:39-05:00April 19th, 2019|Sports Medicine|Comments Off on How Physical Therapy Can Help You

Sometimes surgery is the only way to treat a bone or joint issue related to an injury, degenerative condition or other dysfunction. However, most orthopaedic doctors will recommend treatment with a physical therapist as an initial course of action, because it is the least intrusive approach to healing. In many cases, strengthening muscles around the [...]

12 03, 2019

3 Tips to Help Deal with Chronic Pain

2020-11-19T19:08:16-05:00March 12th, 2019|Joint Pain|Comments Off on 3 Tips to Help Deal with Chronic Pain

Anyone who has suffered from chronic pain will tell you it can wreak havoc on your life. Chronic pain is defined as any pain that persists for three months or longer. Causes can range from injury or trauma to side effects from another condition, such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus or migraines. Chronic pain can negatively [...]

7 03, 2019

7 Beverages to Ease Arthritis Pain

2020-10-01T03:12:11-05:00March 7th, 2019|Joint Pain, Lifestyle, Other|Comments Off on 7 Beverages to Ease Arthritis Pain

Remember the saying “You are what you eat”? Well, turns out you are what you drink, too! When we think of nutrition, we often think only of solid foods. But what you drink is a large part of what we put into our bodies and should be considered as part of our overall nutrition. Making [...]

20 02, 2019

Is Kyphoplasty Right for You?

2020-12-22T18:53:30-05:00February 20th, 2019|Joint Pain, Spine Orthopaedics|Comments Off on Is Kyphoplasty Right for You?

If you’ve recently suffered from a spinal compression fracture, your orthopaedist may have suggested kyphoplasty as a possible treatment. But what exactly is kyphoplasty, and how can it help alleviate back pain? In this article, our orthopaedic spine specialists provide helpful information about the kyphoplasty procedure to help you better understand it and make informed [...]

8 02, 2019

The Latest in MRI Technology: Easy, Comfortable, Patient-Friendly

2020-11-19T17:24:49-05:00February 8th, 2019|Practice News|Comments Off on The Latest in MRI Technology: Easy, Comfortable, Patient-Friendly

Have you avoided your orthopaedist because you dread the MRI exam? Do you have a fear of small, enclosed spaces? Are you worried about having to lie still for so long to get a good scan? Do you have concerns about being screened in a mobile MRI? Find out the latest in MRI technology. Fortunately, [...]

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